Below are the pinpoints to all the bars we've been to so far. We've hit Dupont pretty strong, as well as Clarendon ... I'm hoping we get into U-Street and H-street (Atlas) more this year
By day I'm a Graphic Designer. By night I like bouncing around DC discovering new happy hour deals & bars for you to check out. I'm no beer connoisseur, but I have my favorites, enjoy cold drafts, expect good service, and will tell you when a bar gets it right.
What is Bar Hoppy?
I am working my way across DC with each happy hour bringing me to a different bar. As time progresses I hope to discover new favorites and explore different areas of the district.
...the information in these personal reviews are accurate at the time of their posting. Please remember to confirm if you are a stickler on prices, current draft options, etc. Feel free to comment if you find things have changed.