
Ben's Next Door

I'm not sure where to begin. Location? Draft Selection? Friendly Staff? AMAZING food??? I'm just going to dive in.

Four of us gathered for Happy Hour at peak time, and we were able to secure seats at the bar and get our drinks with no problem. We each picked our poison, ordered some food, and hung out for a good 2 hours. Drafts Drafts Drafts! Peroni, New Castle, Bud Light, Sam's Seasonal, Stella Artois, Kona Long Beach, Blue Moon, Heine, Purple Haze. By now we know I love having the ability to choose from a wide array of beers. My favorite bars are always chalked full of light, dark, seasonal, hoppy & smooth — a little taste for everyone! Next Door had choice, in spades.

When happy hour wrapped up and the bartenders switched, our new bartender greeted all of us with free shots to start the second half of the night off right. I squeaked with delight, and Tina, who had shown us the light by suggesting Next Door, informed us that it was not usual to get free shots around this time. 2 minutes later, the hostess swung by and told us about the free scotch tastings taking place at the front of the bar. We sashayed over, tried two variations, and afterward received a free scotch drink at the bar.

The location is unbeatable. Walking out of the U-Street metro, taking the 13th St Exit, it is directly across the road. I have a few friends who are directionally challenged, so not having to direct someone via the phone at a loud bar is always appreciated. It goes without saying that being located directly next door to Ben's Chili Bowl is a dream for anyone who has ever eaten there.

I was completely impressed with the staff. The hostesses were very friendly, our bartender was attentive and up-beat, and everyone seemed happy to be working there in such a positive environment. There's nothing worse that looking forward to a happy hour only to find yourself struggling to get the attention of someone who can give you a beer, or getting scoffed at by the wait staff for ordering off the Happy Hour menu. Their attitudes were refreshing and made me want to become a regular.

My only negative comment would be that at times I had a hard time hearing my friends because of the loud chatter and music. Though, that is a double-edged sword, because of it wasn't as boisterous, I wouldn't get the feeling that everyone at the bar was having a great time and it wouldn't have felt so friendly.

the deal:
M–F, 4–7
$3 drafts (except the Guiness & Delirium Tremens, which are $5)
$5 Ben's Food (sample menu, not the entirety)
$3 fries
$5 other food (purely Next Door Restaurant menu items)

Ben's Next Door

"Next Door" to Ben's Chili Bowl... and if you haven't been to Ben's Chili Bowl, why are you reading this blog. You should be getting on a metro, en route.

1 comment:

parttimepunk said...

Happy to get you two acquainted :)